Islamic International Factoring provides a Shariah-compliant alternative to conventional factoring, facilitating global trade finance through ethical financial practices.
An Islamic International Factoring transaction with an Islamic Export Factor and conventional Import Factor. Whatever the Islamic financial transaction is used as a basis for Islamic Factoring, the Receivable is assigned to the Import Factor under the GRIF and Supplemental Agreement for Islamic International Factoring. For the Import Factor there is no more differences in their action than the deviations listed earlier.
The flow of transactions is not different for an Islamic Import Factor. A conventional Export Factor assigns its receivables to the Islamic Import Factor under the GRIF and Supplemental Agreement for Islamic International Factoring on the basis of their conventional Factoring agreement with the supplier. The only restriction for the Export Factor may be the related goods or services that must be agreed on at the time of approval.
Order Placement: Buyer places an order.
Goods Delivery & Invoicing: Seller delivers goods and issues an invoice.
Receivables Assignment: Export Factor assigns receivables to the Islamic Import Factor under GRIF & Supplemental Agreement.
Shariah-Compliant Financing: Optional financing through an Islamic financial instrument instead of interest-based financing.
Seller Payment: Islamic Import Factor pays the Seller.
Buyer Payment: Buyer pays the Import Factor upon maturity.
Final Settlement: Import Factor deducts commission and transfers the balance.
“Islamic banking has the potential to foster greater financial intermediation and inclusion, especially among Muslim populations, over 24% of the global population, that may be under-served by conventional banks, and to facilitate lending in support of small and medium-sized enterprises”, says the IMF.
The main principles of islamic finance are:
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